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St Luke's Primary School


Our Governors:

What do school governors do?

Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of the school and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the vision, aims and objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the Headteacher. Governors must both support and challenge the Headteacher, so need to gain an understanding of the school’s overall performance to explain its decisions and actions. They do this by attending regular meetings, carrying out school visits and meeting with senior leaders. They also attend training to keep up to date with the requirements of their role. Governors work as a team and make collective decisions.

Governors (ID 1004)

  • Barry Ling
    Co-opted Governor
  • Catherine Fisher
    Parent Governor
  • Chloe Taylor
    PP Link Co-opted Governor
  • Davina Christmas
    SEN Link Parent Governor
  • Justine Stephens
    Co-Vice Chair Co-opted Governor
  • Kirsty
    Co-opted (staff) Governor
  • Lara Havelock
    Staff Governor
  • Lauren Atallah
    Chair, Co-opted Governor
  • Martyn Clark
    Co-Vice Chair Co-opted Governor
  • Ramzy Omran
    FPP Chair Co-opted Governor
  • Ruth Hilton
    Associate Governor
  • Simon Wattam
    Head Teacher

 Governors’ meetings Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings:

 The full governing body meets once a term. At these meetings, the governing body carries out its three core functions, as identified by the Department of Education in the Governance Handbook:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.

See details of the makeup of the Governing Body here:  


Minutes are published below once they have been agreed by the governing body.

Previous minutes are available on request. Certain associated papers from the meetings are also available on request, although some will be confidential. Please contact the Clerk to the Governors for further information: susanowen@stlukes.brighton-hove.sch.uk