Parents and carers are invited termly to a Parent/Carer Meeting to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. Additional meetings with class teachers or the Inclusion Leaders are always welcomed. The school uses Seesaw to exchange information as well as email with Class Teacher or SENCo’s. Some children who have an EHCP are supported by Key Workers (as indicated in their EHCP provision). The parents/carers of these children are offered a daily home/school communication book.
If children are receiving some additional intervention in the school, you will be sent information about the progress your child makes towards the targets set. This can be discussed at the termly Parent/Carer meeting but parents/carers are also encouraged to make appointments at any other time with the class teachers or Assistant Head/SENDCo (Jemma Hazeldine/Emma Liles (interim KS1 SENDCOs) for infant children and Diana Bell for junior children), if they have any questions or queries or would like further advice.
Some children with SEND (and all children with EHC plans) sometimes need very specific planning and this would be recorded in an Individual Education Plan. For the family and the school to review, discuss and create these plans a longer meetings than the Parent/Carer meeting is needed and so we will plan additional termly meetings for this purpose.