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St Luke's Primary School

Planet Care

Watch our Planet Care launch video here:

Planet Care Vision Statement

At St Luke’s we understand that the climate and nature crisis is happening now.   We believe that, if every generation works together, we can make a real difference on climate change and protect our shared home. We call this Planet Care.

We are committed to help children and adults:

  • understand the connection between Planet Care, and the climate and nature crisis;
  • learn how to be changemakers and what we can do in order to make a positive difference;
  • take action as individuals, as a school and as a community.

How will we go about doing this?

Planet Care is a thread that runs through everything that we do at St Luke’s. It is a fundamental part of our ethos and it manifests in a wide variety of ways. It is in the way that the school is run and in the curriculum that we learn. It can be seen all around the school premises and we all, together with our families, are part of it. We are connected to nature, we love it and love being in it. We educate our young people for the future. We take measures to reduce our impact on the planet.

Our action plan is devised in a way for us to think about different areas of Planet Care:

Curriculum – what is it that we will learn?

Campus – how can we look after and use our school premises?

Community – how can we involve the whole of the school community?

Culture – how do we ensure that Planet Care is part of who we are?

Captaincy – how do we lead in each of these areas?

We have 4 areas for action –

More Outdoor Learning: We will develop outdoor learning spaces and do more outdoor learning and learning about nature in all years.

Specific activities: we will develop an outdoor learning space by the Beach Hut,  create a outdoor learning curriculum, continue Forest School in yr 3.

Reduce Food Waste:  We will reduce the amount of food waste produced by the school.

Specific activities:  work with food suppliers and school staff to avoid waste,  https://www.ourcityourworld.co.uk/news/food-waste-audit-at-st-lukes/ fundraise for a composter.

Careful Consumption:   We will change how we decide what we need, where we get things from, how we look after them and what happens to them after we have finished with them.

Specific activities:  We will use the 5Rs  – Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle;   in school and beyond,  and will continue to improve how the school buys and manages resources.

Towards Net Zero:  We will understand what Net Zero means for our school and reduce our energy use.

Specific activities: Create an Energy Sparks https://energysparks.uk/home-page Team, work with other schools to do an assessment of where we are and where we need to be.

Each area will include learning for children, taking action at school and or at home and connecting with the wider St Lukes’s community of families, friends and neighbours.

We hope you will be inspired to join us in caring for our planet and creating a sustainable future for all.  Watch out for news and updates in the newsletter and on the website.  If you would like to find out more or get involved in any way, please speak to the Head Teacher Simon.