Over the last 6 months, we have been exploring how we can enable children to lead their learning, to make significant choices in how and what they learn and to critically evaluate what they have learnt and set new targets for themselves.
It is clear that if children have ownership of their learning –
- they are more motivated
- they make more progress
- they enjoy school more
This year, many children have:
- developed skills for setting their own targets for improvement
- learnt how to teach other key skills
- learnt how to collaboratively assess each others’ learning
They have also made choices about:
- what they learn about
- what they write about
- when they need support
Next academic year, we would like to see how far we can go as a school in involving children in designing their own learning.
Over the summer holiday, we would like you to sit down with your child(ren) and have a think about how we can change school/lessons so pupils have a greater voice in their learning. Once you have had a think, please note your thoughts down in the research blog below.